Debating, Art, Chess, Summer Camps & more. Discover your interests & perfect your passions
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Learn from those who have been there and done that. Podcasts & Blogs. Across ages
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Meet our Founder
Our story began a decade ago in trying to solve a simple problem of finding interesting things for our children to do while at home. We curated a list of teachers with all sorts of activities, our boys loved it, word spread, we built a booking site and here we are now. Curious Campus now covers admissions counseling, exam prep, tutorials, extra-curricular activities and more.
Suruchi, our founder, is a Wycombe Abbey alum. She went on to study at LSE, and then worked for a magic circle law firm, before pivoting to running a large scale manufacturing business. Suruchi is personally responsible for the mentoring and consulting practice. Under her leadership, Curious Campus has ensured that 100% of our children have been admitted into their first choice school - be it Eton or Harrow, Charter House or Westminster. We cannot guarantee anything, but have the tools to ensure that every child is given the right advice and appropriate resources to achieve their goals.
Suruchi is aided by a team of Ivy League & Oxbridge graduates, with schooling roots between the UK and India from the likes of Westminster, St Pauls, Eton and The Doon School among others